Related Projects

The book ALTON has seeded a network to “make media actionable” by extending It’s Our Story to other equity-challenged communities. Victor Pineda Foundation won the 2022 Best of Berkeley Award for Nonprofit Institutions and is launching World Enabled to extend It’s Our Story. Let us know about related work.

Our Mission. MetaVu Books publishes books with a mission to make media actionable. Media engages community, driving the growth of action networks. As mirror worlds shift to META online, stories inspire us to act in the real world and report back online.

Coming Soon

The next wave will crest when books are linked not only to films but to a gamified knowledge platform where players can collaborate, share, and earn points for learning and contributing. The five icons below show some of our keywords and domains for action: equity and social justice, climate change and the environment. 

For more on the POW! [Power Our World] book series, visit the Zann Gill Author Website.